
* Strengthen the abilities of parents, caregivers, and the community to raise happy, healthy, children * Catch concerns early * Guide parents and caregivers to know where to go and what to do when they have concerns * Support and learn from one another



As any mom, dad, caregiver know, parenthood is a time when we rely on a community like never before in our adult lives. It’s in everybody’s interest to support child development, but it’s important for parents to know when to ask for help and where to get it. 


See our great selection of informative videos.

Growth and Development

Smiling for the first time, taking a first step, waving, "bye bye" and using scissors to cut are called developmental milestones. Children reach these milestones by learning through play, through talking and by moving their bodies.

Community Partners

This innovative, community-based response to the needs of children and their parents is made possible through the commitment of the following groups and individuals.

Helpful Links

Where you find fun and learning... and an ounce of prevention.

Contact Us

Your Foothills Children's Network Team

*When referring to your child, we alternate the use of ‘he’ and ‘she’, but the information applies to both.